What is Cold Mix?

Cold Mix is produced by mixing suitable grade of bitumen emulsion and unheated mineral aggregates while maintaining the proper moisture content. Cold Mix can be produced either by using pug-mill, WMM plant or even a simple concrete mixer without any requirement of heating. The paver and other construction machineries, as is normally employed in road construction, can be used for execution of these works. Astchem Cold Mix is an engineered solution based on the type of aggregate used , weather conditions, site characteristics etc. Specially designed emulsions and additives are used to produce cold mix. Astchem Cold Mix properties exceed the requirements of IRC SP: 100

  • Cold Mix technology is field application of mix design based tailor-made bitumen binders with the available aggregates without need of any heating in an environment-friendly manner.
  • It is not necessarily supply of specified grade of bitumen emulsions.
  • Has been used extensively in many countries for new road construction and for preventive/ corrective maintenance.

Advantages of Cold Mix





  • 0%        Extra Capital Expenditure
  • 10%       Higher Initial Cost
  • 50%      Higher life
  • 90%      Energy Efficient
  • 200%    Faster progress per day



Astchem Cold Mix Binder

Astchem introduces super cold mix binder which combines ground breaking chemistry that is less hazardous and safer for workers, with powerful adhesion promoting technology that makes roads lasts longer. Astchem’s adhesion promoting cold binders makes roads last longer by creating powerful chemical bonding between asphalt and aggregate that lasts even with prolonged exposure to water and the elements. Astchem Cold Mix Binder is commonly used for premix Carpet , Seal Coat and SDBC layers. It is also used to repair worn pavement and potholes . It is the perfect solution to construction of new roads, renewal and maintenance works for rural roads , district roads and other low to medium traffic volume roads.

Astchem Cold Mix Binder has been evaluated by IIT Delhi with aggregates and found suitable for Pre-mix carpet and seal coal work.

Astchem regular emulsions also met the requirements of relevant IS 8887:2004 and ASTM D2397 specification standards.

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